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How to view only a portion of the table when the LIMIT value is derived from a subquery in Mysql

For table 'Issue'


Call_ref is the unique key identifying every call uniquely. Each call is made by a user with users identified through a caller_id. Each user can make multiple calls but every call will have only one caller_id. I want to display calls made by top 20% of active users. I tried this query-

SELECT Caller_id, COUNT(Call_ref) FROM Issue
GROUP BY Caller_id 
LIMIT round(COUNT(distinct Caller_id)/5)

However, it seems like LIMIT doesn't accept anything but a number. Is there a way I can restrict this view to only top 20% of all records in the resulting table?


  • With ROW_NUMBER() AND COUNT(*) window functions:

    SELECT Caller_id, Counter
    FROM (
      SELECT Caller_id, COUNT(*) Counter,
             ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) rn,
             COUNT(*) OVER () total
      FROM Issue
      GROUP BY Caller_id 
    ) t
    WHERE rn / total <= 0.2
    ORDER BY rn