I want to use certain static methods from another class in my code, but getting a weird error.
class Mouth {
static greet() {
class DogMouth extends Mouth {
static greet() {
class Animal {
mouth: Mouth
constructor() {
this.mouth = Mouth
greet() {
this.mouth.greet() // fails with Property 'greet' is a static member of type 'Mouth'
Mouth.greet() // this works but should be the same thing?
class Dog extends Animal {
constructor() {
this.mouth = DogMouth
function main() {
const pup = new Dog()
I created a typescript playground example here
So these are the problem lines, where this.mouth
is defined to be the class Mouth
collapsing the constructor etc code its the same as this:
this.mouth = Mouth
this.mouth.greet() // fails with Property 'greet' is a static member of type 'Mouth'
Mouth.greet() // this works but should be the same thing?
If this is confusing I'm wondering what better patterns I could use where I need certain methods to do different things based on the subclass. But ideally those methods are also available as static methods outside the subclass.
You declared your property to be an instance of Mouth
mouth: Mouth
... but static methods are not available on instances
Static methods aren't called on instances of the class. Instead, they're called on the class itself
So the soultion is, to set the correct type or let TS do it for you:
class Animal {
// TS will detect type from assignment
mouth = Mouth;
// Set type manually and assign
// mouth: typeof Mouth = Mouth;
// Set type only (and assign later)
// mouth: typeof Mouth;
// NOT WHAT YOU WANT (instance, static methods not available)
// mouth: Mouth = new Mouth();
greet() {