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D-ITG traffic generator Error on bind to receiver side Error at Receiver side

The architecture that is being tested consists of two devices placed in different location and connected between them by a wireless network.

The purpose is to send TCP or UDP traffic with D-ITG tool from one device to the other one trhough the wireless communication chanel. While I try to generate the traffic, I get the next error in the sender:

Error on bind to receiver side
Error at Receiver side

And the next error in the receiver:

Error into bind function!

The command in the source device is the following one

./ITGSend -a -T TCP -C 100 -c 500 -t 20000 -x recv_log_file

The command in the receiver side is:


It has to be said that in localhost it works perfectly.


  • The receiver sees itself as one IP address but it gets another public IP from other networks. Just adding the option in the receiver side -a IPwhichRcvSeesItself solved the problem.