I am using Angular 8 with "typescript": "~3.5.3"
. Trying to do the undefined collision
const { testLocation } = this.ngr.getState();
this.step2 = testLocation && testLocation.step2 ? testLocation.step2 : {};
this.$form = this.fb.group({
// tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-length
email: [this.step2.email || '', [Validators.required, Validators.email, Validators.pattern('^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\\.[a-z]{2,4}$')]],
phone: [this.step2.phone || ''],
configuration: this.fb.group({
idTypesAccepted: this.buildIdentityDocumentTypeFormArr(this.identityDocumentType),
sessionOpenDays: [this.step2.configuration.sessionOpenDays || '', Validators.required],
sessionOpenHours: [this.step2.configuration.sessionOpenHours || '', Validators.required],
sessionOpenMinutes: [this.step2.configuration.sessionOpenMinutes || '', Validators.required],
sessionCloseDays: [this.step2.configuration.sessionCloseDays || '', Validators.required],
sessionCloseHours: [this.step2.configuration.sessionCloseHours || '', Validators.required],
sessionCloseMinutes: [this.step2.configuration.sessionCloseMinutes || '', Validators.required],
applicationExpiryDays: [this.step2.configuration.applicationExpiryDays || '', Validators.required],
applicationExpiryHours: [this.step2.configuration.applicationExpiryHours || '', Validators.required],
applicationExpiryMinutes: [this.step2.configuration.applicationExpiryMinutes || '', Validators.required],
paymentCloseDays: [this.step2.configuration.paymentCloseDays || '', Validators.required],
paymentCloseHours: [this.step2.configuration.paymentCloseHours || '', Validators.required],
paymentCloseMinutes: [this.step2.configuration.paymentCloseMinutes || '', Validators.required]
In the above code this.step2.configuration
, configuration is undefined. How can I surpass this. I need to fill up either empty value or value from then this.step2.configuration
The only three ways I see here is either: Check for undefined at start and override with dummy model
this.step2 = testLocation && testLocation.step2 ? testLocation.step2 : {};
if(!this.step2.configuration) {
this.step2.configuration = new Configuration(); // filling the blanks with a dummy data model which has nulled or '' variables;
alternatively duplicate the entire formbuilding
if(!this.step2.configuration) {
sessionOpenDays: ['', Validators.required],
or you could switch to Angular 10 (not sure which version of 9 introduced this, but it certainly is available on 10)
this.step2 = testLocation && testLocation.step2 ? testLocation.step2: {};
sessionOpenDays: [this.step2.configuration?.sessionOpenDays || '', Validators.required],
in angular 10, just like it (almost) always was in the html-templates, a questionmark checks if the property is availabe and if not, initializes the formControl with a null
value. Be aware though that a direct call to the form field would also yield null instead of '' then.