I am new to .Net and using .Net core to create simple web app. It using Razor pages for views and its static contents for now.
Here is the project structure,
Now, I am into progress of make this page's content to dynamic based on some JSON configuration. So, I am just adding things to appsetting.json file to read the json and pass it to views like below, as per Microsoft's documentation.
following is my appsettings.json, If I change this VideoProperties urls here, it will reflects everywhere throughout the app.
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Warning"
"MyVars": [
"name": "abcd",
"avatar": "abcd",
"media": "abcd",
"category": "abcd",
"subCategory": "abcd",
"order": 30,
"slide": 30
"name": "abcd",
"avatar": "abcd",
"media": "abcd",
"category": "abcd",
"subCategory": "abcd",
"order": 30,
"slide": 30
"name": "abcd",
"avatar": "abcd",
"media": "abcd",
"category": "abcd",
"subCategory": "abcd",
"order": 30,
"slide": 30
"name": "abcd",
"avatar": "abcd",
"media": "abcd",
"category": "abcd",
"subCategory": "abcd",
"order": 30,
"slide": 30
"name": "abcd",
"avatar": "abcd",
"media": "abcd",
"category": "abcd",
"subCategory": "abcd",
"order": 30,
"slide": 30
"VideoProperties": {
"EmployeeSpeaksVideoUrl": "abcd1P7vBCYAuFczLD6pojJu0a3xYdbdsDhLj",
"AppSupportVideoUrl": "abcd1nfi9DvdNOlE2tj2CLUdweIpkT8vyfBnh",
"ClientSpeaksVideoUrl": "abcd1wvLgpCUJg6cTatI5TjIa-eNBI88JcXlt",
"CloudVideoUrl": "abcd1ipwoyeGjhq8ouwgfx_NsyS2Xd3ZFCnnK",
"CovidVideoUrl": "abcd1wvLgpCUJg6cTatI5TjIa-eNBI88JcXlt",
"FunAtWorkVideoUrl": "abcd14wLg8pM2xNtnd5ZZewism8snlLe9A4Ab",
"KidsAtWorkVideoUrl": "abcd1PuJVNuaxhfvuG7RMqEwVrzJ1VwsEvjIw",
"BirthdayVideoUrl": "abcd1JjYoe9TGhWU04qzydyz6OtL2ZT6LS8rB",
"PongalVideoUrl": "abcd10IKZpaAKCLeiyJ2sTAzdESzzyro0DSGx",
"WomensDayVideoUrl": "abcd1NLe_TNIin9rcekGUtVEpCpoy_4Cl_SFh",
"NavratriVideoUrl": "abcd19NyLjLLtPBvz-0iYvMsxt9RQrFko8uSd",
"ChristmasVideoUrl": "abcd1Siwptmm5r_0p7Y6MR6Y6YbCe_zcJ12fS",
"AnnualPicnicVideoUrl": "abcd1Dd3atu0vRgGQqVFDJ3ZjiH3YNjdBg_4B",
"CSRVideoUrl": "abcd1wRmwtnesLkFruwVy-BRjCf-8omWeMtcm",
"GlanceVideoUrl": "abcd1wvLgpCUJg6cTatI5TjIa-eNBI88JcXlt",
"HRVideoUrl": "abcd1OA0MyrJz3Ti1HYUH4b3R2Q2yxJsGngig",
"IntroVideoUrl": "abcd14wLg8pM2xNtnd5ZZewism8snlLe9A4Ab",
"ITSupportVideoUrl": "abcd1XITYeIFwFaleKiO1Hf3E4u5NnYavSvuz",
"ProductVideoUrl": "abcd1EgQtDl8nO4xe9ePycMbK42d7Q6pOd_Vi",
"SecurityVideoUrl": "abcd1XITYeIFwFaleKiO1Hf3E4u5NnYavSvuz",
"TestingVideoUrl": "abcd12Mx7mJN6tgr7Z80uinPd89BhTuIaZTc7",
"USVideoUrl": "abcd1wvLgpCUJg6cTatI5TjIa-eNBI88JcXlt"
Adding this in Startup.cs file
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.Configure<CookiePolicyOptions>(options =>
// This lambda determines whether user consent for non-essential cookies is needed for a given request.
options.CheckConsentNeeded = context => true;
options.MinimumSameSitePolicy = SameSiteMode.None;
In my Index.cshtml, file I am using like
@using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
@inject IOptions<aspnet_core_dotnet_core.Models.VideoProperties> videoUrl
@model IndexModel
ViewData["Title"] = "Mive ";
<video width="100%" autoplay muted loop id="my-video" @*style="max-height: 550px;"*@>
<source src=@videoUrl.Value.IntroVideoUrl type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support HTML5 video.
This works fine..
I am trying to read an array of json objects (MyVars) in appsettings.json in same way, but I am not getting the values.
My updated configuration in Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.Configure<CookiePolicyOptions>(options =>
// This lambda determines whether user consent for non-essential cookies is needed for a given request.
options.CheckConsentNeeded = context => true;
options.MinimumSameSitePolicy = SameSiteMode.None;
services.Configure<List<MyVars>>(options => Configuration.GetSection("MyVars").GetChildren());
In cshtml my code,
@using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
@inject IOptions<aspnet_core_dotnet_core.Models.VideoProperties> videoUrl
@inject IOptions<List<aspnet_core_dotnet_core.Models.CeiTour>> tours
@model IndexModel
ViewData["Title"] = "Mive ";
<video width="100%" autoplay muted loop id="my-video" @*style="max-height: 550px;"*@>
<source src=@videoUrl.Value.IntroVideoUrl type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support HTML5 video.
@foreach (var item in @tours.Value)
My Model for this,
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace aspnet_core_dotnet_core.Models
public class MyVars
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Avatar { get; set; }
public string Media { get; set; }
public string Category { get; set; }
public string SubCategory { get; set; }
public long Order { get; set; }
public long Slide { get; set; }
I am not getting any output for this for loop in .cshtml file. I am not sure what is going wrong here. How to get the array of json objects in Razor pages and also I need to use thois to same page javascript.
Here is a working demo:
services.Configure<List<MyVars>>(options => Configuration.GetSection("MyVars").GetChildren());
@inject IOptions<List<MyVars>> l
@foreach (var item in l.Value)