I have a cycle that it's just working for my last element. It was suposed to work for each element.
for (var z=1; z<$('.page').length;z++){
$('#thumbsContainer_'+z).animate({top: '-='+93+'px'}, {duration: 1000});
$('#thumbsContainer_'+z).animate({top: '+='+93+'px'}, {duration: 1000});
If I replace z for one number I can make it working for that case. But I don´t want to repeat the same process N time. So I thought it was good idea to make a a cycle for...but no success
Can anyone explain how to do that?? Thanks
Why are you using IDs? why can't you just add a class on each element like so
<div id="arrowUp_1" class="arrowUp">
also [things you should know]
'-='+93+'px' its pointless you can have '-=93px' still be the same thing as it would be consider as a string not a number its just like saying var h3ll0;
is not a string :)
cont++ is not predefined before and your whole don't work because animate() is wrong... click the link so u can get some help with it http://api.jquery.com/animate/
you do not put {duration:1000} just put 1000 as that is an attribute on its own and expects a number [of milliseconds not a json object]...
UPDATE check this code...
span {background: red;position: absolute; left: 0;}
$(function() {
$('div').click(function() {
var i = $(this).index($('ul div'));
$('ul span').eq(i).animate({
left: '50%'
}, 1000);
<hr />
<div>Click 1</div>
<div>Click 2</div>
<div id="b">Click 3</div>
<div>Click 4</div>
<br /><br /><br /><br />
<span>Im thumb 1</span>
<span>Im thumb 2</span>
<span>Im thumb 3</span>
<span>Im thumb 4</span>
This is a bad example of element choice :) but its better solution for you :) I should think :)