I'm trying to update LiveData object in activity that hosts a fragment and then I want to update the fragment's UI after observing it. The problem is the fragment's ui only updates when fragment is restarted. What can I do to achievie real-time update of Ui in fragment every time the data changes in activity?
// Activity code:
transactionViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this, providerFactory).get(TransactionViewModel.class);
/// Fragment:
transactionViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(getActivity(), providerFactory).get(TransactionViewModel.class);
viewModel.userValues.observe(getActivity(), userValues -> { if(userValues.data != null){}//update the ui }
To achievie "real-time update of Ui" i sugesst using data-binding.
In your code, I think you are observing a deferent reference of viewModel.
Try observing after casting your activity(am using kotlin here):
val myActivity = (requireActivity() as MainActivity)
myActivity.transactionViewModel.viewModel.userValues.observe(getActivity(), userValues -> {
if(userValues.data != null){}//update the ui }