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typescript use of try catch and async await

Hello I would like to know if I am using async await and promise correctly, basically I am using a lot of try catches and it seems to me that all these try catches are not necessary

i have this main class:

export class BootstrapApplication {
  private server: WebServer;
  private knex: KnexInstance;
  constructor() {
    this.server = new ExpressServer();
    this.knex = container.resolve(KnexInstance);
  public start = async () => {
    try {
      await this.knex.start(knexConfig);
      await this.server.start();
    } catch (error) {
      throw error;

and start server with this:

(async () => {
  const server = new BootstrapApplication();
  await server.start();

and I have in the bootstrap class a function to start where I call my knex.start and my knex start which is asynchronous has 3 asynchronous functions that are using try catch:

export class KnexInstance {
  private knex: Knex;
  public get Knex() {
    return this.knex;
  private assertDatabaseConnection = () => {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
        .raw('select 1+1 as result')
        .then(() => resolve())
        .catch(err => {
            '[Fatal] Failed to establish connection to database! Exiting...',
  private runMigrations = async () => {
    try {
      console.log('Migration started...');
      await this.knex.migrate.latest({ loadExtensions: ['.ts'] });
      console.log('Migration finished...');
    } catch (err) {
      throw err;
  public start = async (config: Knex.Config) => {
    if (this.knex instanceof Knex) return;
    try {
      this.knex = Knex(config);
      await this.runMigrations();
      await this.assertDatabaseConnection();
    } catch (error) {
      throw error;

so i am in doubt if i am using async await in the wrong way


  • try {
      // ...
    } catch (e) {
      throw e;

    ^ This is always a no-op that does nothing, in both normal and async functions.

    You're right - on your example code, you can safely remove all of those structures.

    For example, your start() method in BootstrapApplication could be equivalently written as:

      public start = async () => {
        await this.knex.start(knexConfig);
        await this.server.start();

    Note that you can't safely remove the .catch(() => { ... } in assertDatabaseConnection though, as that doesn't simply rethrow the error.

    You can however simplify assertDatabaseConnection down quite a bit. You don't need the new Promise at all, because you already have a promise, so you can simplify down to just:

      private assertDatabaseConnection = async () => {
        try {
          await this.knex.raw('select 1+1 as result')
        } catch (err) {
            '[Fatal] Failed to establish connection to database! Exiting...',

    In general, new Promise isn't something you need for most cases in async code, it's only really necessary for some rare cases, mainly when converting callback/event-driven code into promises.