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Implement a custom error controller in Symfony 4.4

What i have done:

I have created this custom controller cause I want to pass to the error pages some extra variables.

namespace App\Controller;

use App\Controller\Base\BaseController;
use Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Exception\FlattenException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Log\DebugLoggerInterface;

class CustomErrorController extends BaseController

    public function show(FlattenException $exception, DebugLoggerInterface $logger = null)
        return $this->getView('bundles/TwigBundle/Exception/error.html.twig', [
            "code" => $exception->getStatusCode(),
            "message" =>$exception->getStatusText()

and the enabled

error_controller: App\Controller\CustomErrorController::show

I have followed the documentation directly. My problem is that I need, for non-production stages to get the default exception templates provided by the framework.

I have tried to extend Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ErrorController but I'm getting errors for autowiring.

Maybe I should use Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\ErrorRenderer\ErrorRendererInterface Any ideas how to implement this?


  • Solved it by using different framework.yaml for Prod