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Fowarding a ref with mobx

i am trying to build a custom component video player with react and mobx, and i need to drill a refrence from a main component to a child Component but i'm getting an error message when i use the forwardRef function on a component that is an observer. the error message is "baseComponent is not a function" Here's the code:

// code for main component
const videoPlayer = () => {

const controlsRef = useRef<any>(null);

return (<div>
// video player screen code //
<VideoPlayerButtonCode ref={controlsRef} />


// the code for the players component

interface IProps{
 controlsRef: any;

const VideoPlayerButtonCode: React.FC<IProps> = fowardRef({props from iprops}, controlsRef ) => {

return (<div>

<Button ref={controlsRef}>Button i want to get a ref for from main</Button>


export default observer(VideoPlayerButtonCode)

thats a vague abstraction of the code but the same implementation. is there any help for mobx supports for ref or is there a way i can store the refrence in a mobx store?


  • What version of mobx-react are you using? It should work fine with latest 7.0.0 version, but it seems to fail if you are using mobx-react-lite@3.0.0.

    I've made codesandbox with all working variants as for now:

    For example same version as your works fine:

    const ComponentWithForwardRef = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
      return <div ref={ref}>My Observer Component</div>;
    const ObserverComponentWithForwardRef = observer(ComponentWithForwardRef);

    There is also a forwardRef option for observer HOC, but it only currently works with mobx-react-lite, and does not work with regular mobx-react package due to this bug

    You can use it like that:

    const MyObserverComponent = observer(
      (props, ref) => {
        return <div ref={ref}>My Observer Component</div>;
      { forwardRef: true }

    If everything fails you can just use custom prop for your ref like so:

    <MyObserverComponentCustomRef innerRef={myRef} />
    // ...
    const MyObserverComponentCustomRef = observer((props) => {
      return <div ref={props.innerRef}>My Observer Component Inner Ref</div>;