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clang 10 & OpenMP on range-based for error (docs say should be ok)

I am testing clang 10.0 on an c++17 & OpenMP project and get errors when #pragma omp parallel for is used on range-based for.

Release notes for clang 10, in the OpenMP Support in Clang section, say quite clearly:

  • Added support for range-based loops.

When I compile a MWE with clang++-10 -fopenmp -std=c++17 (see for online compiler):

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    std::vector<int> ii{0,11,22,33,44,55,66};
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int& i: ii){

I get:

<source>:6:5: error: statement after '#pragma omp parallel for' must be a for loop

    for(int& i: ii){


1 error generated.

Compiler returned: 1

What's up?


  • Support for range-based for loops was added to OpenMP 5.0, and, as is also described in the Clang 10 Release Notes that you link to, you need to explicitly use the -fopenmp-version=50 option to activate support for it:

    OpenMP Support in Clang

    Use -fopenmp-version=50 option to activate support for OpenMP 5.0.

    Thus, if we expand you compilation command to clang++-10 -fopenmp -fopenmp-version=50 -std=c++17, the OMP pragma accepts the range based for loop that follows it.
