Is there a way in redux-saga
to only fetch one time during for example in 5 seconds?
I know that there's debounce
yield debounce(5000, 'SAMPLE_ACTION', actionToFetchFirst)
but what I want is for it to fetch first rather than waiting for 5 seconds for initial fetch
I want is for it to fetch first rather than waiting for 5 seconds for initial fetch
You can specify leading=true
in lodash.debounce
lodash.debounce(func, [wait=0], [options={}])
[options.leading=false] (boolean): Specify invoking on the leading edge of the timeout.
lodash.debounce(5000, 'SAMPLE_ACTION', { leading: true });
Or just add a condition, something like:
if (input.length > 1) fetchDebounced();
else fetch();