I have 7 options on my JS array
(7) ["tcp-download", "udp-download", "udp-upload", "tcp-upload", "random", "random2", "BeverlyHills"]
I also have an input that use tagEditor fn()
When I first clicked on the input to focus, it's not showing any option at all, ...
unless I started typing a
... for example.
Is there a way to present all options to my users as soon as they click on the input box?
autocomplete: {
delay: 0,
position: { collision: 'flip' },
source: options
forceLowercase: false,
delimiter: ',', /* space and comma */
placeholder: 'Ex. tcp-download',
initialTags: '',
onChange: function(field, editor, tags) {
console.log(field, editor, tags);
I've looked in their documentation, I only see initialTags. But what I'm trying to show is the options of those tags not to preselected for my user.
From the document its using jqueryui autocomplete.
I found this topic jQuery autocomplete 1.1: Show All Data on focus, Hope this can help.