I was wondering if it was possible to add a function property to all native object prototypes (that being everything on this MDN page).
For example, I could set this simple function to Array.prototype
, and it would work fine:
Array.prototype.tap = function (fn) {
return fn(this);
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].tap(console.log)
But what if I wanted this function to execute on any prototype? For example:
{ name: 'Jonathan', age: 19 }.tap(console.log); // { name: 'Jonathan', age: 19 }
new Map([['1 + 1', 2], ['2 + 2', 4]]).tap(console.log); // Map(2) {"1 + 1" => 2, "2 + 2" => 4}
'Hello World'.tap(console.log); // Hello World
true.tap(console.log); // true
new Date().tap(console.log); // Tue Oct 06 2020 21:09:33 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
Is there any sort of "global prototype" I could assign a function to? Or would I have to manually set it to every native prototype?
You can put it on Object.prototype
Object.prototype.tap = function (fn) {
return fn(this);
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].tap(console.log)
new Date().tap(console.log);
This will allow nearly any object to access the method. The only exception is objects which don't inherit from Object.prototype
(which is rare, and must be done deliberately):
Object.prototype.tap = function (fn) {
return fn(this);
const obj = Object.create(null);
But this is just for curiosity's sake. Please don't use this in real code.