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Statics varibales dont show in Unity

Ok, first, excuse my english. Well, I stay making a SAVEFILE with [Serializable()], there's not the problem, the problem is, when I try to make a change of a this static string with the Username, I can't find the reference to this variable in the other script with de InputField. Nothing strange, the SAVEFILE script just say:

and the script save:

 public static UIsettings uisettings;

    //Data to save.
    public string AirlineName = "Unknow";
    public string UserName = "Unknow";
    public bool StartupLoad;

    void Awake()
        if(uisettings == null)
            uisettings = this;
    void Start()
        if (StartupLoad)
    public void Save() //Start the SAVEGAME code

later, I change the value of Airline Name and Username from other two scripts in InputFields, the two methods look like these:

 public void SubmitName(string newAirlineName)
        if(newAirlineName == "")
            print("Write a valid name");
            print(newAirlineName + " es valido.");
            profileData.AirlineName = newAirlineName;

If I call it like this, work, but is useless bacause when I change of scene these values go again to Default, so I use static in the values like:

public static string AirlineName = "Unknow";

without keys, obiously. But, when I make this the metod of the second script can't show the assigned variable, say: error CS0176: Member 'UIsettings.AirlineName' cannot be accessed with an instance reference; qualify it with a type name instead...

I have a few days trying to solve this by myself but, I dunno what to do.

Is to know that the SAVEGAME script is a DontDestoyOnLoad file, like can be see in the first script, but I this that this is't 'cause the script works fine without the static.


  • When you have a static variable (public static string AirlineName) you can only reference it using the class name -- not an instance of the class - because only one AirlineName exists, and it is not related to any instance of your class.

    Here's an example of why you're getting your error:

    // This example shows why are you getting the error.  Skip to the second example
    // to see the solution that you should use
    public class UiSettings : MonoBehaviour
       public static string AirlineName = "Unknow";
    // ...
    public void SubmitName(string newAirlineName)
       // Just an example of getting the current instance of UiSettings
       UiSettings profileData = (UiSettings)GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(UiSettings));
       // You can't do this because AirlineName is a static property, so you can't use an
       // instance variable (profileData) to access it because AirlineName doesn't belong
       // to an instance     
       profileData.AirlineName = newAirlineName;
       // You would have to access it like this
       UiSettings.AirlineName = newAirlineName;

    But since you're making UiSettings a singleton class by using DontDestroyOnLoad, you would do this

    public class UiSettings : MonoBehaviour
       public static UIsettings uisettings;
       // Do not make these static
       public string AirlineName = "Unknow";
       public string UserName = "Unknow";
        void Awake()
            if(uisettings == null)
                uisettings = this;
    // ...
    public void SubmitName(string newAirlineName)
       // uisettings contains an instance of UiSettings, so you are allowed to say
       // UiSettings.uisettings.AirlineName = ...
       UiSettings.uisettings.AirlineName = newAirlineName;

    I would also recommend changing the name uisettings to Instance to make it clear that the property references the singleton instance of the class. Like this:

    public class UiSettings : MonoBehaviour
        // Instead of public static UiSettings uisettings
        public static UiSettings Instance { get; private set; }