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Sub-curve of a Hermite Curve does not fit original curve

I’m trying to use a Hermite curve in a project, with an admittedly limited understanding of how the math actually works, and I’ve run into some behavior I don’t understand. I've demonstrated my confusion with a minimal code sample below, but basically I would expect points along a subcurve of a hermite curve (i.e. a subcurve defined using points and tangents on the original curve) to fit the original curve, but this seems to be false.

The following c# code defines a Hermite curve class that provides functions for computing the position and the tangent of a point at some ratio along the curve. I copy/pasted the math for both functions from other places on the internet.

A small test harness then performs the test that I would expect to succeed, but doesn’t. It is unclear to me if there is a bug in my code, a mistake in my math, or if I misunderstand something about how Hermite curves work and this test actually should not pass.

Any insight is appreciated.

using System;
using System.Numerics;

class Program
    class HermiteCurve
        Vector2 start;
        Vector2 startTangent;
        Vector2 end;
        Vector2 endTangent;

        public HermiteCurve(Vector2 start, Vector2 startTangent, Vector2 end, Vector2 endTangent)
            this.start = start;
            this.startTangent = startTangent;
            this.end = end;
            this.endTangent = endTangent;

        public Vector2 GetPoint(float t)
            var t2 = t * t;
            var t3 = t2 * t;

                ( 2f*t3 - 3f*t2 + 1f) * start +
                (-2f*t3 + 3f*t2) * end +
                (t3 - 2f*t2 + t) * startTangent +
                (t3 - t2) * endTangent;

        public Vector2 GetTangent(float t)
            var t2 = t * t;

                (6f*t2 - 6*t) * start +
                (-6f*t2 + 6*t) * end +
                (3f*t2 - 4f*t + 1) * startTangent +
                (3f*t2 - 2f*t) * endTangent;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Vector2 p0 = new Vector2(0, 0);
        Vector2 m0 = new Vector2(1, 0);
        Vector2 p1 = new Vector2(1, 1);
        Vector2 m1 = new Vector2(0, 1);

        HermiteCurve curve = new HermiteCurve(p0, m0, p1, m1);

        Vector2 p0prime = curve.GetPoint(0.5f);
        Vector2 m0prime = curve.GetTangent(0.5f);

        HermiteCurve curvePrime = new HermiteCurve(p0prime, m0prime, p1, m1);

        Vector2 curvePoint = curve.GetPoint(0.75f);
        Vector2 curveTangent = curve.GetTangent(0.75f);

        Vector2 curvePrimePoint = curvePrime.GetPoint(0.5f);
        Vector2 curvePrimeTangent = curvePrime.GetTangent(0.5f);

        // Why does this check fail?
        if (curvePoint != curvePrimePoint || curveTangent != curvePrimeTangent)
            Console.WriteLine("curvePosition      - x: " + curvePoint.X + " y: " + curvePoint.Y);
            Console.WriteLine("curvePrimePosition - x: " + curvePrimePoint.X + " y: " + curvePrimePoint.Y);
            Console.WriteLine("curveTangent       - x: " + curveTangent.X + " y: " + curveTangent.Y);
            Console.WriteLine("curvePrimeTangent  - x: " + curvePrimeTangent.X + " y: " + curvePrimeTangent.Y);

Program output:

curvePosition      - x: 0.890625 y: 0.703125
curvePrimePosition - x: 0.96875 y: 0.71875
curveTangent       - x: 0.8125 y: 1.3125
curvePrimeTangent  - x: 0.25 y: 0.375


  • The short answer is that the math simply does not work the way you want it to.

    It's been ages since I toyed around with polynomial curves, so just for fun, I hacked together a Python program that computes control points for a "split" hermite curve, as well as your "wrong" curve. In practice, you might be better off using the de Casteljau algorithm.

    Original curve in blue, "wrong" curve in orange, "my" curve in green

    This implementation is probably horrible in a gazillion ways, but at least it seems to produce correct results. :-)

    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import numpy.polynomial.polynomial as npp
    # Hermite basis matrix
    B = np.array([[1, 0, -3,  2],
                  [0, 1, -2,  1],
                  [0, 0,  3, -2],
                  [0, 0, -1,  1]])
    # Create the parameter space, for plotting. T has one column for each point
    # that we plot, with the first row t^0, second row t^1 etc.
    step = 0.01
    Tt = np.arange(0.0, 1.01, step)
    T = np.vstack([np.ones(Tt.shape[0]), Tt, Tt ** 2, Tt ** 3])
    # Control points for first curve. One column for each point/tangent.
    C1 = np.array([[0, 1, 1, 0],
                   [0, 0, 1, 1]])
    # Coefficients for first curve. @ is matrix multiplication. A1 will be a
    # matrix with two rows, one for the "x" polynomial and one for the "y"
    # polynomial, and four columns, one for each power in the polynomial.
    # So, x(t) = Σ A[0,k] t^k and y(t) = Σ A[1,k] t^k.
    A1 = C1 @ B
    # Points for first curve.
    X1 = A1 @ T
    # Parameter value where we will split the curve.
    t0 = 0.5
    # Evaluate the first curve and its tangent at t=t0. The 'polyval' function
    # evaluates a polynomial; 'polyder' computes the derivative of a polynomial.
    # Reshape and transpose business because I want my COordinates to be COlumns,
    # but polyval/polyder wants coefficients to be columns...
    p = npp.polyval(t0, A1.T).reshape(2, 1)
    d = npp.polyval(t0, npp.polyder(A1.T, 1)).reshape(2, 1)
    # Control points for second, "wrong", curve (last two points are same as C1)
    C2 = np.hstack([p, d, C1[:,2:]])
    # Coefficients for second, "wrong", curve
    A2 = C2 @ B
    # Points for second, "wrong", curve
    X2 = A2 @ T
    # We want to create a new curve, such that that its parameter
    # u ∈ [t0, 1] maps to t ∈ [0,1], so we let t = k * u + m.
    # To get the curve on [0, t0] instead, set k=t0, m=0.
    k = 1 - t0
    m = t0
    k2 = k * k; k3 = k2 * k; m2 = m * m; m3 = m2 * m
    # This matrix maps a polynomial from "t" space to "u" space.
    KM = np.array([[1,  0,          0,          0],
                   [m,  k,          0,          0],
                   [m2, 2 * k * m,  k2,         0],
                   [m3, 3 * k * m2, 3 * k2 * m, k3]])
    # A3 are the coefficients for a polynomial which gives the same values
    # on the range [0, 1] as the A1 coefficients give on the range [t0, 1].
    A3 = A1 @ KM
    X3 = A3 @ T
    # Compute the control points corresponding to the A3 coefficients, by
    # multiplying by the inverse of the B matrix.
    C3 = A3 @ np.linalg.inv(B)
    # C3 = (np.linalg.solve(B.T, A3.T)).T # Possibly better version!
    # Plot curves
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(X1[0,:], X1[1,:], linewidth=3)
    ax.plot(X2[0,:], X2[1,:])
    ax.plot(X3[0,:], X3[1,:])