I want to create a link list by taking the variable arguments given at compile time Description below:
I have a node something like given below:
template<typename T>
struct Node
Node(const T& data, Node* next = nullptr ) : m_data(data),
T m_data;
Node *m_next;
I have a function which takes variable number of arguments(variadic) like below, and should be able to create a link list from all the arguments and return head*(starting pointer) of the created list
template <class ... Ts>
constexpr Node* create(Ts && ... ts) {
// should be able to create all nodes and return Head* for the given created list
//return Head
main function would look like this
int main()
auto *k = create(1,2,3,4,5,6);
auto *n = create(); // should handle no arguments case
auto *l = create(9,10,11,22,4567,90);
return 0;
Do not make this over complicated and just use std::initializer_list. Use of variadic arguments here will be an overkill.
Also Node
should be an implementation detail of a list. So create a template class List
which will be the only thing which uses Node
template<typename T>
struct Node
T m_data;
Node *m_next;
template<typename T>
class List
List(std::initializer_list<T> ini)
for (const T& x : ini) {
void push_back(const T& x);
std::unique_ptr<Node> m_front;
Node* m_back;
This is bad approach, and poor task for interview, but here it is:
template<typename T>
struct Node
constexpr explicit Node(const T& x) : m_data{x}
T m_data;
std::unique_ptr<Node> m_next;
template<typename T>
using Node_t = Node<std::remove_reference_t<T>>;
template<typename T>
using NodePtr = std::unique_ptr<Node_t<T>>;
template<typename T>
constexpr NodePtr<T> create(T&& x)
return std::make_unique<Node_t<T>>(std::forward<T>(x));
template <typename T1, typename ... Ts>
constexpr NodePtr<T1>
create(T1&& x1, Ts && ...xi)
auto r = create(std::forward<T1>(x1));
r->m_next = create(std::forward<Ts>(xi)...);
return r;