Using React wrapper for Handsontable. Data has nested child rows several levels deep.
Data looks like this:
category: "Category A",
subCategory: null,
subItem: null,
value: "abc 123",
__children: [
category: null,
subCategory: "Sub Category 1",
subItem: null,
value: "xyz 456",
category: null,
subCategory: "Sub Category 2",
subItem: null,
value: "qwe 987",
__children: [
category: null,
subCategory: null,
subItem: "Sub Item I",
value: "asd 987",
category: "Category B",
subCategory: null,
subItem: null,
value: "abc 345",
__children: null,
Let's say I need everything under "Category A" to be green but not under "Category B". How can that be done?
I tried passing a cells
function (row, col, prop) => {...}
but that gives me just the index of the row and column. The row index changes depending on what categories are collapsed. So, I need to be able to style the entire row based on the value of category
of the parent row.
It's quite hard to implement the feature since almost all configurations are based on row and col indexes, the only workaround I found is to add the color along the value and use a custom renderer to evaluate when there is metadata in the string, you'll need to prepare your data beforehand
const data = [
category: "Category A",
subCategory: null,
subItem: null,
value: "abc 123#color:green",
__children: [
category: "#color:green",
subCategory: "Sub Category 1#color:green",
subItem: null,
value: "xyz 456"
category: null,
subCategory: "Sub Category 2",
subItem: null,
value: "qwe 987",
__children: [
category: null,
subCategory: null,
subItem: "Sub Item I#color:green",
value: "asd 987"
category: "Category B",
subCategory: null,
subItem: null,
value: "abc 345",
__children: null
const renderer = (instance, TD, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) => {
TD.innerHTML = "";
if (value) {
if (value.indexOf("#color:") >= 0) {
const [realValue, color] = value.split("#color:"); = color;
TD.innerHTML = realValue;
} else {
TD.innerHTML = value;
return TD;
You can see it working here