Im trying to write an insertion method for a doubly linked list where as i'm placing the node into the list it is being inserted in alphabetical order. This idea is I will traverse through the list with a curnode and if the newNode comes before the curnode, I will simply place the newNode before the curnode. The code I have written so far works for inserting 1 node into the list, but i'm having problems with the second part that requires checking the order and placing before. How should I change the program to make it work properly? With the code I have now only 1 element (head) will be inserted.
void insert(String x){
node curnode = head;
node newNode = new node(x);
//list is empty so insert as normal - [works fine]
if (head == null){
head = newNode;
head.prev = null; = null;
tail = newNode;
//Now insert node with respect to alphabetical order - [problem area]
else {
// while the list isn't empty
while (curnode != null){
// if newNode alphabetically comes before the curnode then place before
if ( > 0){
node temp = curnode.prev;
curnode.prev = newNode; = curnode;
newNode.prev = temp;
There are a few things missing with your implementation. Compare it with this working solution:
void insert(String x){
node curnode = head;
node lastnode = null;
node newNode = new node(x);
//list is empty so insert as normal - [works fine]
if (head == null){
head = newNode;
head.prev = null; = null;
tail = newNode;
//Now insert node with respect to alphabetical order - [problem area]
else {
// while the list isn't empty
while (curnode != null){
// if newNode alphabetically comes before the curnode then place before
if ( > 0){
node temp = curnode.prev;
curnode.prev = newNode; = curnode;
newNode.prev = temp;
if(temp != null) { = newNode;
} else {
// If newnode gets inserted in the head
head = newNode;
lastnode = curnode;
curnode =;
if (curnode == null) {
// insert to the last = newNode;
newNode.prev = lastnode;
tail = newNode;