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How To Close a UserForm Properly in Excel VBA?

I need to close a UserForm from a procedure that is inside the general module. The following code is just a test. I cannot use Me once that I am out of the form module.

Private Sub btnCancel_Click()        
    On Error GoTo TreatError

    Dim screen As Object

    Set screen = UserForms.Add(Me.Name)
    Unload screen
    Set screen = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    GoTo Leave
End Sub

What's missing in this code? When I press the Cancel button, nothing happens, well, the form still keeps loaded. This UserForm is ShowModal True.

thanks in advance.

Ok Pᴇʜ. Here you are:

Public Sub EditarCombo(nomeColuna As String, itemCombobox As Variant, novoValor As Variant)
    On Error GoTo TratarErro
    Dim planilha As Worksheet
    Dim planRamais As Worksheet
    Dim tela As UserForm
    If ((itemCombobox & "") <> "") Then
        If ((Trim(novoValor) & "") <> "") Then
            If (itemCombobox <> Trim(novoValor)) Then
                Set planilha = Worksheets("CombosRamais")
                Set planRamais = Worksheets("Ramais")
                EditarNaColuna planilha, nomeColuna, itemCombobox, novoValor
                ExcluirDuplicadasNaColuna planilha, nomeColuna, novoValor
                OrdemarColuna planilha, nomeColuna, True
                RedefinirAreaColuna planilha, planRamais, nomeColuna
                EditarNaColuna planRamais, nomeColuna, itemCombobox, novoValor
                MsgBox "Você deve digitar um novo valor para o item escolhido.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Editar Item"
                GoTo Sair
            End If
            MsgBox "O campo de novo valor está vazio.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Editar Item"
            GoTo Sair
        End If
        MsgBox "Escolha um item na lista para ser editado.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Editar Item"
        GoTo Sair
    End If
    Set tela = UserForms.Add(Replace(nomeColuna, "Col", "frmEditar"))
    Unload tela
    Set tela = Nothing
    Set planilha = Nothing
    Set planRamais = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    GoTo Sair
End Sub


  • Based on your comment to FunThomas' answer you would like to have a function like that

    Public Function UnLoadFrm(formName As String) 
        Dim frm As Object
        For Each frm In VBA.UserForms
            If frm.Name = formName Then
                Unload frm
                Exit Function
            End If
        Next frm
    End Function

    Be careful when using it as it is case sensitive. It might also be a good idea to use frm.Hide instead of Unload frm but then you should also rename the function.