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Receive data from specific address using QUdpSocket

I'm trying to do a client-to-client communication over UDP. I'm using QUdpSocket to do that.

The IP of my first client is and the IP of the second client is

In my first client, I want to send data, so I'm doing this:

socket = new QUdpSocket(this);
socket->bind(QHostAddress(""), (quint16)actual_port);


Data = QByteArray::fromRawData((const char *), crypt_packet.size_struct); 
socket->writeDatagram(Data, QHostAddress(""), (quint16)port_other);

In my second client, I have this:

socket = new QUdpSocket(this);
socket->bind(QHostAddress(""), (quint16)port_second);

QByteArray buffer;
QHostAddress sender;
quint16 senderPort;
socket->readDatagram(, buffer.size(), &sender, &senderPort);

But I can't receive my data from readDatagram(), and I don't know why.

I do every function on both sides, which means I read and write on both clients (it's to do a VoIP call).

Does anyone know what my mistake is?


  • The readDatagram method is non-blocking: you can only usefully call it if hasPendingDatagrams() is true. This flag is in turn governed by running the Qt event loop.

    You have two options:

    • Use socket->waitForReadyRead() to block your program for a set time (30s);
    • Or put the above code in a slot handler connected to the readyRead signal and let the event loop run naturally, keeping your application responsive to other inputs.