So, for a project, I'm trying to make a specific piece of a game generated block move. All coordinates are stored in a List and through "x" and "y" values I should be able to add up to the coordinates, and in turn make the block move.
def movement(move: Point): Unit = {
val newList: List[Point] = placed
val xx = move.x; val yy = move.y
for (i <- newList.indices) newList(i) += Point(xx, yy)
Here, "placed" is the List where all coordinates are placed. The "Point" type refers to the "x" and "y" values.
The problem here is that when I try to add the new values to the coordinate, it says:
Type mismatch. Required: String, found: Point
I found this strange, since my list is not initiated with the string type. Is there any way to work around this problem?
Many thanks.
Added example of previous project:
var playAnimal: List[Point] = List(Point(2,0), Point(1,0), Point(0,0))
def checkForWrap (p: Point) : Point = {
var x = p.x; var y = p.y
x = if (x < 0) nrColumns - 1 else if (x > nrColumns - 1) 0 else x
y = if (y < 0) nrRows - 1 else if (y > nrRows - 1) 0 else y
Point(x, y)
def moveAnimal(): Unit = {
if(!gameOver) {
def newAnimalFront: Point = {
val newHead: Point = currentDir match {
case East() => playAnimal.head + Point( 1, 0)
case West() => playAnimal.head + Point(-1, 0)
case North() => playAnimal.head + Point( 0, -1)
case South() => playAnimal.head + Point( 0, 1)
playAnimal = newAnimalFront +: playAnimal.init
This method, however, is displaying the String mismatch in my current project.
Two things you need to do:
method +
.Then you can write smth like this:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val placed: List[Point] = List(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1))
println(placed.mkString) // Point(0,0)Point(1,1)
val moved = movement(Point(2, 2), placed)
println(moved.mkString) //Point(2,2)Point(3,3)
def movement(move: Point, placed: List[Point]): List[Point] = {
// here you create new list and don't mutate the old one => p + move)
case class Point(x: Int, y: Int) {
def +(p: Point) = Point(x + p.x, y + p.y)