Hello i'm new to odoo and i'm using version 12, i want to add an external javascript library which is loading.io https://loading.io/progress/.
I don't know how to add it because i saw that it is not possible to use a cdn.
Any help or hint will be appreciated and thanks in advance.
The add a Javascript or CSS asset to Odoo, extend the appropriate assets template.
This might be:
for frontend web pages.web.assets_backend
for backend webclient pages.web.assets_common
for both backend and frontend.The asset files, if bundled should be inside your module, in a static/lib/css
and static/lib/js
For example:
<template id="mymodule_web_assets" name="My Web Assets"
<xpath expr="." position="inside">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<script type="text/javascript"