I am trying to create a tampermonkey script to modify a single link in a specific webpage. I tried almost all the suggestions but couldn't go anywhere with my newly found js skills. Take this:
<p class="g2 gsp"><img src="https://ptt.org/t/ss.gif"> <a href="#" onclick="return popUp('https://somelink',480,320)">Maka Pato</a></p>
and convert to this:
<p class="g2 gsp"><img src="https://ptt.org/t/ss.gif"> <a href="https://somelink">Maka Pato</a></p>
Basically, remove onclick popup and point href to a link instad of #
I have managed to extract "https://somelink" but I couldn't manage to modify the original.
//function to extract the link
function xpathSelector(xpath) {
return document.evaluate(xpath, document.body, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,
//save the link
var mak = xpathSelector('.//a[text() = "Maka Pato"]');
var x = document.getElementsByClassName("g2 gsp")[0]
You can extract the value with getAttribute
and a regular expression, then remove it with removeAttribute
and set the href
function xpathSelector(xpath) {
return document.evaluate(xpath, document.body, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,
const mak = xpathSelector('.//a[text() = "Maka Pato"]')
const x = document.getElementsByClassName("g2 gsp")[0]
// parentheses create a capture inside the match
// index 0 is the full match, then indexes 1+ are each capture
const url = mak.getAttribute('onclick').match(/'(https?:\/\/\S+)'/)[1]
mak.href = url
<p class="g2 gsp"><img src="https://ptt.org/t/ss.gif"> <a href="#" onclick="return popUp('https://somelink',480,320)">Maka Pato</a></p>