While I was trying to run the simulation in Vivado, I got:
ERROR: Iteration limit 10000 is reached. Possible zero delay oscillation detected where simulation time can not advance. Please check your source code. Note that the iteration limit can be changed using switch -maxdeltaid. Time: 10 ns Iteration: 10000
I don't have any initial statement in my module being tested.
Could anybody point out where the problem could be?
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module mulp(
input clk,
input rst,
input start,
input [4:0] mplier, // -13
input [4:0] mplcant, // -9
output reg done,
output [9:0] product
parameter N = 6;
parameter Idle = 2'b00;
parameter Load = 2'b01;
parameter Oper = 2'b10;
parameter Finish = 2'b11;
reg done_r;
reg [N-1:0] A, A_r, B, B_r;
reg [1:0] state, state_r;
reg [2:0] count, count_r;
wire [N-2:0] C, C_comp;
reg [N-2:0] C_r;
assign C = mplcant; assign C_comp = {~C + 1};
assign product = {A_r[N-2:0], B_r[N-2:0]};
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
state_r <= Idle;
count_r <= 0;
done_r <= 0;
A_r <= 0;
B_r <= 0;
end else begin
state_r <= state;
count_r <= count;
done_r <= done;
A_r <= A;
B_r <= B;
end // if
end // always
always @(*) begin
state = state_r;
count = count_r - 1; // count: 6
done = done_r;
A = A_r;
B = B_r;
case (state)
Idle: begin
if (start) begin
state <= Load;
end // if
Load: begin
A = 0; B = {mplier, 1'b0}; count = N; // start at 6
state = Oper;
Oper: begin
if (count == 0)
state = Finish;
else begin
case (B[1:0])
2'b01: begin
// add C to A
A = A_r + {C[N-2], C[N-2:0]};
// shift A and B
A = {A_r[N-1], A_r[N-1:1]};
B = {A_r[0], B_r[N-1:1]};
2'b10: begin
A = A_r + {C_comp[N-2], C_comp[N-2:0]};
A = {A_r[N-1], A[N-1:1]};
B = {A_r[0], B_r[N-1:1]};
(2'b00 | 2'b11): begin
A = {A_r[N-1], A[N-1:1]};
B = {A_r[0], B_r[N-1:1]};
default: begin
state = Idle; done = 1'bx; // error
end // else
end // Oper
Finish: begin
done = 1;
state = Idle;
end // Finish
default: begin
done = 1'bx;
state = Idle;
end // always
You have a combinational loop. You are sampling and driving the state
signal in the combinational always
block. Typically, you sample the registered state variable (state_r
in your code) in an FSM. Change:
case (state)
case (state_r)
Unrelated, but you should use all blocking assignments in the combo block (not a mixture). Change:
state <= Load;
state = Load;