ealier i created a vba macro using this code
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If Me.CheckBox1.Value = True Then
Range("A56").Value = Range("A56").value & " Text"
End Sub
it worked great until i opened it in excel mobile it said it can run vba macro is there anyway to make it work on a tablet? can i write it differently? all i want it a fast way to add some premade sentence to a existing field with a value
thanks for ur help :)
VBA only runs in Excel for desktop (Windows or Mac). That's not going to change.
You can easily create a worksheet formula that does what your macro does. Instead of ticking a tick box, you can put a character like "y" or "n" into a cell, for example into cell A1. Then you can use a formula like this:
=if(A1="y",A56 & " Text","")
This formula based approach will work on any Excel platform, i.e. Windows, Mac, web, tablets, and mobiles.
Edit after comment:
If you want to check several cells, then you can nest IF functions or you can use IFS (available only in Office 365).
=if(A1="y",A56 & " Text",if(A2="y",A56 & " some other text", if(A3 = "y",A56 & " some third option","other")))
using IFS() in Offic 365
=IFS(A1="y",A56 & " Text",A2="y",A56 & " some other text",A3 = "y",A56 & " some third option")