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Get date of start/end of week

I'm need the chrono::Date of the first and last date of a week from the current year.

I have two issues, first I'm unable to get chrono to parse the week of current year and second I'm unable to get the first/last date of the week. (There are a lot of solutions for other languages here, but not rust)

TLDR: I need a function like this: fn x(week: isize) -> (Date<Local>, Date<Local>) with the tuple being (first day of week, last day of week).


  • If I have understood your question correctly, you can use something like this:

    use chrono::{NaiveDate, Weekday, Datelike};
    fn week_bounds(week: u32) -> (NaiveDate, NaiveDate) {
        let current_year = chrono::offset::Local::now().year();
        let mon = NaiveDate::from_isoywd(current_year, week, Weekday::Mon);
        let sun = NaiveDate::from_isoywd(current_year, week, Weekday::Sun);
        (mon, sun)


    That is assuming ISO8601 conventions (Monday as the first day and Sunday as the last, and ISO week numbering). It also returns NaiveDate instead of Date<Local>, which you could obtain using:

    let date_time: DateTime<Local> = Local.from_local_datetime(&naive).unwrap();

    if needed.