I have two structs:
struct A {
map: HashMap<u32, Vec<B>>,
struct B {
weak: Weak<A>
When A
is constructed, it will own several B
, each of which links back to the A
which was just constructed, similar to this:
let a = Arc::new(A { map: HashMap::new() });
let b1 = B { weak: Arc::downgrade(&a) };
let b3 = B { weak: Arc::downgrade(&a) };
let b2 = B { weak: Arc::downgrade(&a) };
a.map.insert(5, vec![b1, b2]);
a.map.insert(10, vec![b3]);
This doesn't work since Arc
does not provide a way to modify the map. Arc::get_mut
does not work since a Weak
is already constructed to the value.
How it is possible to construct an A
with some B
? I'm trying to avoid runtime checks when accessing map
because after construction it will never be modified again. I have no problem using unsafe code or approved nightly features.
will fail if you have even existing Weak
references so you need to consider using interior mutability instead. Since you are using Arc
, I'll assume you are in a multi-threaded environment, so I'll use a RwLock
which is thread-safe.
use std::sync::{Arc, Weak, RwLock};
use std::collections::HashMap;
struct A {
map: RwLock<HashMap<u32, Vec<B>>>,
struct B {
weak: Weak<A>
Now you can construct these objects something like this:
fn init_a(a: Arc<A>) -> Arc<A> {
let b1 = B { weak: Arc::downgrade(&a) };
let b2 = B { weak: Arc::downgrade(&a) };
// extra block is required so that the Mutex's write lock is dropped
// before we return a
let mut map = a.map.write().unwrap();
let vec = map.entry(0).or_insert(Vec::new());
fn main() {
let mut a = Arc::new(A { map: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()) });
a = init_a(a);
If you really want to get rid of all runtime overhead of the Mutex
, and you don't mind using unsafe
code, you could use an UnsafeCell
. It has zero overhead, but its interface requires an unsafe
block and it's an extra layer of unwrapping in your code. Also UnsafeCell
is not Sync
, so you couldn't share it between threads.
To solve those problems, by making sure that you only need to consider UnsafeCell
during construction, you can can take advantage of the fact that UnsafeCell
has zero size cost and does not affect layout. Instead of A
, Use a different type for constructing, which is identical to A
apart from the UnsafeCell
. These types can then be used interchangeably with mem::transmute
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::mem;
struct A {
map: HashMap<u32, Vec<B>>,
struct B {
weak: Weak<A>
impl A {
fn new() -> Arc<A> {
let a = A { map: HashMap:: new() };
fn init_a(a: Arc<A>) -> Arc<A> {
// Important: The layout is identical to A
struct AConstruct {
map: UnsafeCell<HashMap<u32, Vec<B>>>,
// Treat the object as if was an AConstruct instead
let a: Arc<AConstruct> = unsafe { mem::transmute(a) };
let map = unsafe { &mut *a.map.get() };
// B's weak references are to Arc<A> not to Arc<AConstruct>
let weak_a: Weak<A> = unsafe { mem::transmute(Arc::downgrade(&a)) };
// Actual initialization here
let vec = map.entry(0).or_insert(Vec::new());
let b1 = B { weak: weak_a.clone() };
let b2 = B { weak: weak_a.clone() };
// We're done. Pretend the UnsafeCells never existed
unsafe { mem::transmute(a) }
You can also do this with raw pointers, but I feel a little "safer" with UnsafeCell
! LLVM does some optimisations when it's given guarantees that certain data is immutable, and UnsafeCell
does some magic to protect you when it breaks those guarantees. So I'm not 100% certain of the safety of doing this:
fn init_a(a: Arc<A>) -> Arc<A> {
// Raw IMMUTABLE pointer to the HashMap
let ptr = &a.map as *const HashMap<_, _>;
// Unsafely coerce it to MUTABLE
let map: &mut HashMap<_, _> = unsafe { mem::transmute(ptr) };
let weak_a: Weak<A> = Arc::downgrade(&a);
// Actual initialization here
let vec = map.entry(0).or_insert(Vec::new());
let b1 = B { weak: weak_a.clone() };
let b2 = B { weak: weak_a.clone() };