If I create a custom class in Google Apps Script and assign it to a variable, can I create a server side onchange event that will react when the values change? For example, something like:
var Polygon = function(height, width) {
this.height = height;
this.width = width;
this.save = function() { <code to draw the polygon here ...> };
Polygon.onchange = function() {
currentPolygon = this.value;
var myPolygon = new Polygon(10, 12);
myPolygon.height = 20; // triggers draw
Or, must it be included in a set function? For example:
var Polygon = function(height, width) {
var myHeight = height;
var myWidth = width;
this.height = function() { return myHeight; }
this.width = function() { return myWidth; }
this.draw = function() { <code to draw the polygon here ...> };
this.changeHeight = function(value) {
myHeight = value;
this.changeWidth = function(value) {
myWidth = value;
var myPolygon = new Polygon(10, 12);
There is no such handler. But you can use a proxy to intercept all set
const Polygon = function(height, width) {
this.height = height;
this.width = width;
this.drawn = 0;
this.draw = function() {
this.drawn += 1;
const PolygonOnchangeHandler = {
set(target, prop, value) {
Reflect.set(target, prop, value);//calls set
Reflect.apply(target.draw, target, []);//calls draw
const myPolygon = new Proxy(new Polygon(10, 12), PolygonOnchangeHandler);
myPolygon.height = 20; // trigges draw
console.log(myPolygon.drawn);//drawn once
myPolygon.width = 5;
console.log(myPolygon.drawn);//drawn twice
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