So I have the following JSON to represent a City object which I want to MAP to an object in JAVA. This is used to filter out unwanted fields
"class": [
"id": "default",
"type": [
"direction": [],
"town": [
"streets": [
To map it I am using a
ojectMapper.readValue(inputStream, new TypeReference<HashMap<String, Set<PayloadClass>>>() { });
My payload class is as follows:
@EqualsAndHashCode(exclude = {"town", "direction", "type"})
public class PayloadClass {
private String id;
@NonNull private Set<String> type = Collections.emptySet();
@NonNull private Set<String> direction = Collections.emptySet();
@NonNull private Set<Town> town = Collections.emptySet();
And my town class is done as so to represent a a Town has a leader and streets
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class Town{
@JsonProperty(value = "leader")
private String leader;
@JsonProperty(value = "streets")
private Set<String> streets = Collections.emptySet();
The issue is in the mapping, where it tries to map the leader and Set of streets within the one object.
I am then getting the following error but not sure why:
U [main] ERROR - Cannot construct instance of `
com.Town` (although at least one Creator
exists): no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value
at [Source: (BufferedInputStream); line: 16, column: 9] (through reference chain:
I am trying to keep the JSON in this format for upstream apps, hopefully I can resolve this issue in the mapping types.
So the new field I am trying to add, is the leader field within the Json. Without this field it performs without issue.
Your json format is wrong. If town is an array of city objects with a leader and an array of street names, you should write in json :
"town": [
"leader": "",
"streets" : [