as the title states, let's say i do have the following model:
model = {
Question 1: How can i display count as summarized number i.e. 7 in a Text?
<Text text="{model>count}" />
Question 2: Is there a technicality, which could allow such summarization ?
What i tried:
<Text text="{ path: 'model>count', formatter:'.formmater.sumCount'}" />
Issue: Formatter
, function sumCount
, does get the value of each row, i.e. 3, 4 etc..., which means it doesn't have an overarching capability to loop through the whole model
and add all the counters and return
the summarized value to the <Text>
Question 2: Is there a technicality, which could allow such summarization ?
You can achieve that via an formatter.
Suppose you have defined the following sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel
in the controller:
var oMyModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel({
0: { "count": 3 },
1: { "count": 4 }
this.getView().setModel(oMyModel, "myModel");
and you have the following formatter.js
sap.ui.define([], function () {
"use strict";
return {
sumTwoEntries: function (iValue1, iValue2) {
return iValue1 + iValue2;
sumAllEntries: function (oObject) {
var iSum = 0;
var aObjectKeys = Object.keys(oObject);
for (var i = 0; i < aObjectKeys.length; i++) {
iSum += oObject[i].count;
return iSum;
this will work:
<!-- Displays the first Entrie -->
<Text text="{myModel>/0/count}"/>
<!-- Displays the second Entrie -->
<Text text="{myModel>/1/count}"/>
<!-- Displays the summarized Value of both Entries -->
<Text text="{ parts: [ { path: 'myModel>/0/count'}, { path: 'myModel>/1/count'}], formatter: '.formatter.sumTwoEntries'}"/>
<!-- Displays the summarized Value of x Entries -->
<Text text="{ path: 'myModel>/', formatter: '.formatter.sumAllEntries'}"/>