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Comparator and unknow value with IncomparableValueException

I use this custom comparator

List<String> currencies = ImmutableList.of("PLN","EUR","USD","GBP", "CHF");
final Ordering<String> currencyOrdering = Ordering.explicit(currencies);

public int compare(Account o1, Account o2) {

But I have error

IncomparableValueException: Cannot compare value: JPY

I would like these unknown values ​​to be randomly at the end... If possible, how to solve it in standard Java library.


  • What you can do :

        List<String> currencies = ImmutableList.of("OTHERS", "PLN","EUR","USD","GBP", "CHF");
        final Ordering<String> currencyOrdering = Ordering.explicit(currencies).onResultOf(lang -> currencies.contains(lang) ? lang : "OTHERS");
        System.out.println("JPY", "PLN")); # -1
        System.out.println("JPY", "TTT")); # 0
        System.out.println("CHF", "GBP")); # 1

    Basically, I ask Guava to map the languages to their own value if they are in currencies list, otherwise I just give them the value OTHERS which is the first one in the list (so everything not in the list is put at the start of the list)

    Note : you can do it without guava with :

        List<String> currencies = List.of("PLN","EUR","USD","GBP", "CHF");
        Comparator<Object> objectComparator = Comparator.comparingInt(currencies::indexOf);
        System.out.println("JPY", "PLN"));
        System.out.println("JPY", "TTT"));
        System.out.println("CHF", "GBP"));

    Basically, I specify that the "rank" on item is its position in the list. OTHERS is not needed since missing element will have the value -1