The Jenkins version running is 2.249.1. I am new to Jenkins, so I may be missing something very obvious here. I found a few related stack overflow questions, but nothing answered this question specifically. I found this question to be helpful but still didn't answer the question being asked.
This is all being done through the Jenkins GUI. I added a post build action to archive files. Here is the screen that I am seeing.
I am trying to archive all the files while keeping their folder structure. I am able to add all the files while losing their folder structure with this pattern: **/*.*
Using a single *
only grabs the outermost and ignores all the folders beneath the working directory. I realize I can list each directory specifically to accomplish this, but it seems like there should be a simple way to grab everything and keep the folder structure.
Per the 'Files to archive [ ]' help icon (?) ,
You can use wildcards like 'module/dist/**/*.zip'.See the includes attribute of Ant fileset for the exact format.
Suggest reading the ant fileset documentation carefully.
Files to archive [ **/** ]
will copy the the entire directory structure and folders. The **/
matches all directories and the /**
matches all contents. If the contents is a directory, process as a directory, if it's a file, copy it.
Something like myrootdir/**/matchingdir*/**
could produce:
You must actually click on the "Build Artifacts" (open box) button to navigate into "<build>/artifact"
to see the tree. The main build page may not show the complete path to the files.
You should also set a smart retention policy [ X ] Discard old builds
if you don't want to blow up your disk consumption. See this answer for more details.