as above, im curious if there is a way to produce a flow chart or something similar that shows what the structure of imports is from a meteor/react project. it would speed up my development time considerably.
id like something like:
---mycomponent1 from mycomponent1.js
------mycomponent2 from my component2.js
-------anothercomponent from anothercompoent.js
---yetanotherone from yetanotherone.js
for the entire tree of imports in the project.
something similar to a tree command but that breaks down the flow of what imports what and where.
Meteor has built-in bundle visualizer.
You can run it by meteor --production --extra-packages bundle-visualizer
or npm run visualize
from your project root.
Also if you mostly interested about your npm modules there is build in npm command npm ls
which prints out your npm dependency tree.
And of course as it mentioned in other answer there are tons on npm of packages that do similar tasks depending on your needs. For example you can try these keywords:npm packages tree on npmjs search.