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Adding Submenu Item Only on Devices other than Mac: Electron JS

I would like to add a quit submenu item under the File menu item in my Electron JS app, but only on Windows and Linux. On Mac, I already have set up a Quit submenu item under the app name menu item. Currently, this is my code:

function createMenu(){
    const isMac = process.platform === 'darwin';
    const menu = [
            label: "File",
            submenu: [
                    label: 'Add expense',
                !isMac && { 
                    label: 'Quit',
                    accelerator: 'Ctrl+Q'
            label: "Menu2",
            submenu: [{label: 'Ok'}]

    // Mac First Item in Template refers to app name (won't be able to override unless you package application)
    isMac && menu.unshift({
        submenu: [
                label: 'About',
                    open('') // Using the open package
                label: 'Quit',
                accelerator: 'Cmd+Q'

    return menu;

When I run this, however, I get an error saying

TypeError: Invalid template for MenuItem: must have at least one of label, role or type

How should I go about doing this?

Thank you!


  • You're getting the error because of the way you're trying to conditionally insert an object into the list literal.

    // The not macOS case:
    > [ {"foo": 15}, true && {"bar": 123} ]
    [ { foo: 15 }, { bar: 123 } ]
    // The macOS case:
    > [ {"foo": 15}, false && {"bar": 123} ]
    [ { foo: 15 }, false ]

    In the latter case, you end up inserting a false element into the array, which is why you get the error.

    If you want to use such a shorthand, you can use:

    > [ {"foo": 15}, ...(true?[{"bar": 123}]:[]) ]
    [ { foo: 15 }, { bar: 123 } ]
    > [ {"foo": 15}, ...(false?[{"bar": 123}]:[]) ]
    [ { foo: 15 } ]

    In your use case, this would get you:

    const menu = [
            label: "File",
            submenu: [
                    label: 'Add expense',
                    label: 'Quit',
                    accelerator: 'Ctrl+Q'
            label: "Menu2",
            submenu: [{label: 'Ok'}]

    Alternatively, you can simply adjust the menu template:

    const menu = [
            label: "File",
            submenu: [
                    label: 'Add expense',
            label: "Menu2",
            submenu: [{label: 'Ok'}]
    if (!isMac) {
            label: 'Quit',
            accelerator: 'Ctrl+Q'

    Which one to use is up to you; in the second case you may need to update the menu addressing if the structure changes. You should also weigh readability.