I am using unitils (and its dbMaintain module) to maintain the state of my local database.
dbMaintain has an option to exclude/include scripts based on a qualifier. See http://www.dbmaintain.org/tutorial.html#Qualifier_inclusion__exclusion.
In my project, excludes/includes do not work when running from a Unitils test with the UnitilsJUnit4TestClassRunner
My script hierarchy:
01_create/ <lots of scripts here>
02_lkups/ <lots of scripts here>
My unitils.properties file has:
I would expect 05_#testdata_master_rate_offer.sql to be excluded. But it is being run.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Answered by one of the unitils developers on the unitils forums here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/unitils/forums/forum/570578/topic/4546980
Qualifiers are a feature of dbmaintain. Unitils 3.1still contains its own dbmaintainer which still dates from before the split-off of dbmaintain. Unitils 4.0 has this module replaced by a dependency to dbmaintain, but this version is not released yet. I would suggest that, until 4.0 is released, you call dbmaintain directly from your java code. Hope this helps, Filip