In short on a button press I'd like to play a few notes using a PolySynth
and a Sequence
. If the user repeatedly presses the button I'd like whatever is playing to be stopped, and started again.
The issue: No matter what I try I cannot completely cancel/silence the previously played notes in case the sequence is started again (button clicked again). This is most likely because of either the envelope's decay/sustain.
My Synth:
import { PolySynth } from 'tone'
const synth = new PolySynth(Synth, {
oscillator: {
type: 'sine4',
volume: -6,
envelope: {
attack: 0.01,
decay: 0.5,
sustain: 0.1,
release: 1,
synth.maxPolyphony = 4 // max notes playing at a time, not sure if necessary
My Sequence:
import { Sequence } from 'tone'
// Play the 2 notes individually then play them together
const notes = [
{ note: 'C4', duration: '8n' },
{ note: 'G4', duration: '8n' },
{ note: ['C4', 'G4'], duration: '4n' }
// The sequence that should play the notes after one another
const sequence = new Sequence({
subdivision: '8n',
loop: false,
events: notes,
callback: (time, note) => synth.triggerAttackRelease(note.note, note.duration, time),
The way I play it, this is an event handler:
import { start, Transport } from 'tone'
// Event handler simply attached to a button's onClick
function onButtonClicked() {
// Call whatever this start is, doc says it can only happen in an event handler
// Try everything to kill current sound
// Start it again
How could I completely kill all sound (if there is any) before starting to play it?
Thinking about this quite a bit, If I understand you correctly this actually is intended behavior. You are triggering a a note on a Synth (which is basically an AudioWorkletNode). So as soon as a note triggered the synth, the note is gone. The only way to stop that note from playing would be to mute the synth itself.
In the comments you said, that you might missing something conceptually and I think you are on the right track with that.
Let's think about how a sound is generated with MIDI.
So when you stop your transport or the sequence itself, what would that do? If a MIDI note already triggered the Envelope, the Envelope will receive the MIDI end trigger and trigger the Release envelope.
So there will always be a tailing sound of your Synth, because the MIDI note does not determine your start and end point of your Synth, but triggers parts of your Envelope. So actually your Synth creates the sound and that is neither tied to the transport, nor can it be.
Hope that explanation helped you a bit. If I misunderstood you, I am happy to correct.