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how to add properties intellisense in vscode

I have a custom button component and This is how I'm using it in my React native project


Here, text,svg and 18 other properties are there. And currently I'm writing all the properties by referring to the cheat sheet which I wrote.

Is there any why to add intellisense to vscode so that when I press alt+enter It should show all the 18 properties The custom component have.


  • The answer is React Prototypes

    Just exactly follow this step

    • Add this at the top of your component file
    import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
    @extends {React.Component<ButtonPressable.protoTypes>}
    • Add this after class at bottom or wherever you fell prettier but outside class ButtonPressable
    ButtonPressable.protoTypes = {
      /** text to be displayed on button */
      text: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
      /** changes text color */
      color: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

    That's it, Know you can access these props with description by pressing ctrl + space