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JavaScript regex add protected patterns when combining regex

To combine one or more regex patterns in JavaScript I'm using the following function:

Tokenizer.prototype.combinePatterns = function() {
  return new RegExp('(' + [] (e) {
      var e = e.toString()
      return '(?:' + e.substring(1, e.length - 1) + ')'
  }).join('|') + ')', "gi")

This works fine. Now I want to "protect" some patterns, that means I want to exclude some patterns when executing the resulting regex. This means that I would like that the default_pattern not to be applied to any of the patterns defined in the protected_patterns array (this concept is taken from MOSES Tokenizer protected patterns option).

These protected patterns may or not be defined in the default patterns:

AggressiveTokenizer.prototype.tokenize = function(text, params = {}) {
    var options = {
        default_pattern: /[^a-z0-9äâàéèëêïîöôùüûœç]+/,
        protected_patterns: []
    for (var attr in params) options[attr] = params[attr];
    var patterns = [].concat(options.protected_patterns).concat(options.default_pattern);
    // LP: pass along all regex patterns as argument
    patterns = this.combinePatterns.apply(this,patterns);
    // break a string up into an array of tokens by anything non-word
    return this.trim(text.split(patterns));


Following this approach, assumed to protect some pattern like

[ '\bla([- ]?la)+\b']

I get this combined regex from the result of combinePatterns method:

/((?:la([- ]?la)+)|(?:[^a-z0-9äâàéèëêïîöôùüûœç]+))/gi

The result is not as expected, so by example in the (french) text having salut comment allez-vous la-la-la, while I get the desidered la-la-la token as a whole, I'm getting undefined tokens, and a la- as well:

var combinePatterns = function() {
  return new RegExp('(' + [] {
    var e = e.toString()
    return '(?:' + e.substring(1, e.length - 1) + ')'
  }).join('|') + ')', "gi")

var tokenize = function(text, params = {}) {
  var options = {
    default_pattern: /[^a-z0-9äâàéèëêïîöôùüûœç]+/,
    protected_patterns: []
  for (var attr in params) options[attr] = params[attr];
  var patterns = [].concat(options.protected_patterns).concat(options.default_pattern);
  // LP: pass along all regex patterns as argument
  patterns = this.combinePatterns.apply(this, patterns);
  // break a string up into an array of tokens by anything non-word
  return text.trim().split(patterns);


var text = "salut comment allez-vous la-la-la";
var res = tokenize(text, {
  protected_patterns: ['\bla([- ]?la)+\b']

My expected result should be


What is wrong: the protected patterns combination approach or the regex in the protected_patterns array?

Tip: I have noticed that, the combinePatterns if applied only to the default_pattern generated this regex

return this.trim(text.split(/((?:[^a-z0-9äâàéèëêïîöôùüûœç]+))/gi));

that slightly changes the resulting tokens of the default pattern:

return this.trim(text.split(/[^a-z0-9äâàéèëêïîöôùüûœç]+/i));


  • let tokenize = function( str, preserve ) {
        const separators = /[^a-z0-9äâàéèëêïîöôùüûœç]+/i;
        // Convert the array of preserved patterns into one RegExp:
        const screen = new RegExp( '(?:' + s => '(?:' + s + ')' ).join( '|' ) + ')' );
        // Screening delimiter. Must not be split by separators:
        const scr = 'SSS';
        // Regular expression for unscreening:
        const scr_regex = new RegExp( scr + '(\\d)' + scr );
        // Initialise the array of preserved substrings:
        let screened = [];
        return str
        // Temporarily screen preserved patterns:
        .replace( screen, s => scr + (screened.push( s ) - 1) + scr )
        // Split into tokens:
        .split( separators )
        // Restore screened substrings in each token:
        .map( s => s.replace( scr_regex, (_, i) => screened[parseInt( i )] ) );
    let text = 'salut comment allez-vous la-la-la';
    let res = tokenize( text, ['\\bla(?:[- ]?la)+\\b'] );
    console.log( res );