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Why is TextInput updating after I hit fileReferencer.browse button a second time

In Flex 4, I am trying to make a simple browse button update the text field of an TextInput object with the file name that the browse button gets. It doesn't have to be the full path, all I want is the file name to show up. It only shows up after hitting the browse button for a second time, not after I have selected my file the first time. Here is my code:


        private var fileReferencer:FileReference = new FileReference();
        private var excelFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter("*.xlsx", "*.xlsx;*.xls;");
        protected var fileName:String = new String("");

        protected function BrowseButton_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
            fileName =;
            fileInputAddress.text = fileName;

So to recap, the file name is only shown in my TextInput box upon hitting the browse button a second time.

What am I doing wrong?


  • Flash Player is completely asynchronous. So you can't get file name right after calling fileReferencer.browse(). That's why you have a name from the past call. To fix your code you should subscribe on select and cancel events and change the text after select event only (see the documentation).