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R. Multivariate linear regression iterating column-wise over pairs of variables

I have a dataframe dfA (the real one has 1000 rows and 400,000 columns). From column 6 on, the variable names are "triads" formed by x with + different prefixes (GT_x, N_x, E_x), where x = rs1, rs7, rs300, rs502, etc:

ID    SEX    PV    GAN    GAE    GT_rs1    N_rs1    E_rs1    GT_rs7    N_rs7    E_rs7    ...
2    0    7.8    0.3    0.4    0    1    1    1    0    2    ...
6    1    6.4    0.35    0.55    0    0    1    1    1    2    ...

Here is a reproducible example of my data:

dfA = data.frame(rbind(c("ID","SEX","PV","GAN","GAE","GT_rs1","N_rs1","E_rs1","GT_rs7","N_rs7","E_rs7"), 
dfA = dfA %>% row_to_names(row_number = 1)

Using R, I want to run a linear regression of the form:

lm(PV ~ SEX + GAN + GT_x + N_x)

where x is rs1, rs7 and so on. So, I'd need to iterate column-wise over pairs of variables. I would like to get estimate, std.error, statistic and p.value for the different covariates (SEX, GAN, GT_x and N_x). SEX = categorical variable; PV, GAN = quantitative variables; GT_x, N_x, E_x = additive variables.


  • You can build formulas by pasting together strings - we just need to know the strings you want to paste together.

    This should work - it's untested because the data you share isn't shared with dput so it's not copy/pasteable, and it only has one set of covariates so it doesn't illustrate the complexity of the problem. If you have issues, please share copy/pasteable data to illustrate and I'll try to debug.

    # get all unique strings after underscores from your column names
    suffix = str_extract(names(dfA), "_.*") %>% na.omit %>% unique
    prefix = c("GT", "N")
    base_formula = "PV ~ SEX + GAN +"
    full_formula = paste(base_formula, paste0(prefix[1], suffix), "+", paste0(prefix[2], suffix))
    mods = list()
    for(i in seq_along(full_formula)) {
      mods[[suffix[i]]] = lm(as.formula(full_formula[i]), data = dfA)
    stats = lapply(mods, tidy)
    stats = bind_rows(stats, .id = "suffix")