I need to add id property to TR of table data dynamically added with jquery ajax server-side and write data there. how can I do that. I add the Json data coming with the code below to the lines.
"ajax": {
"url": '/Siparis/SiparisleriDoldur/',
"type": 'POST',
"dataType": 'json',
"data": { liste }
{ "data": "MusteriAdi", "name": "Müşteri Adı" },
{ "data": "MalzemeAdi", "name": " Ürün Adı" },
{ "data": "SiparisAdet", "name": "Sipariş Adedi" },
i want to do;
<tr id='IdNumber' data-id='IdNumber'>
Note: IdNumber is in data(json list)
Given your use of the Datatable library you can use the createdRow
property of the settings to amend each row as required. Try this:
"createdRow": function(row, data, dataIndex) {
let id = data[0]; // amend 'data[0]' here to be the correct column for your dataset
$(row).prop('id', id).data('id', id);
"ajax": {
// ...
// other settings as normal...