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How to create coc nvim custom snippets

By following this guide, I could get a simple snippet working.

" vim source for emails
function! coc#source#email#init() abort
  return {
        \ 'priority': 9,
        \ 'shortcut': 'Email',
        \ 'triggerCharacters': ['@']

function! coc#source#email#complete(opt, cb) abort
  let items = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]']
  call a:cb(items)

But I want when user types something like afc and hit enter in the correct item in the menu. What coc.nvim should enter to the buffer is following. .

() => {


I don't know what this triggerCharacters option is but it certainly not the characters I should enter in the buffer to get the auto completion menu open because it's not showing up in the menu.

How can I do this?


  • The guide you linked is not for snippets, but custom source.

    Install coc-snippets like: :CocInstall coc-snippets

    Then :CocCommand snippets.editSnippets to create a snippet(for filetype open), for example:

    snippet afc "Description"
        () => {

    then you can trigger it by afc.