I have this table:
CREATE TABLE [md].[Services]
[id] [nvarchar](36) NOT NULL,
[Value] [nvarchar](500) NOT NULL,
[Parentid] [nvarchar](36) NULL,
[Status] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL
I wrote a query to get a flattened view of the data like so:
bottomLevel.id as [Bot],
midLevel.id as [Mid],
topLevel.id as [Top]
md.Services bottomLevel
md.Services midLevel ON bottomLevel.Parentid = midLevel.id
md.Services topLevel ON midLevel.Parentid = topLevel.id
But for the life of me I can't seem to figure out the LINQ version of this with EF.
I came up with this but it returns way more rows, and I haven't yet figured out what I'm missing... Any thoughts?
var query = (from level3 in _db.Services
from level2 in _db.Services
.Where(x => x.Parentid == level3.id).DefaultIfEmpty()
from level1 in _db.Services
.Where(x => x.Parentid == level2.id).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
Bot = level3.id,
Mid = level2.id,
Top = level1.id,
I figured it out. I had a few things missing and I was doing it backwards...
var query2 = (
from level1 in db.ServiceTypes
join s1 in db.ServiceTypes on level1.ParentGuid equals s1.Guid into q1
from level2 in q1.DefaultIfEmpty()
join s2 in db.ServiceTypes on level2.ParentGuid equals s2.Guid into q2
from level3 in q2.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
BottomGuid = level1.Guid,
MidGuid = level2.Guid,
TopGuid = level3.Guid,