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Apache NiFi rethinkdb connection

I'm trying to use PutRethinkDB processor in NiFi.

Below are the properties configured. (This is a test setup so nifi and rethinkdb are on same machine and rethinkdb has no password setup yet).

enter image description here

When I run the flow, PutRethinkDB processor shows below error.
Error while getting connection null: java.lang.NullPointerException

enter image description here

I have verified that RethinkDB is running and bound to all IP addresses on port 28015.

What am I missing here?



  • Firstly, you should look at nifi-app.log for more informations. If it's not enough, according to the documentation, you should inspect rethinkdb.error.message attribut to take a look at RethinkDB side error.

    1. pause your putSyslog processor
    2. make flowfile to generate error
    3. inspect flowfile attribut in queue