I'm working with a JSON array where each object contains a ScheduledDateUTC_Max field in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS". My goal is to transform this array using Jolt to keep only the object with the latest date and time in the ScheduledDateUTC_Max field.
Here's an example of my input JSON:
"_id": {
"$oid": "213asd4444-44asd44"
"PurchaseOrderNumber": "0085701091",
"WorkflowId": "1243840",
"CreatedDateUTC": "2023",
"ExternalReference": "22261952",
"Flag": "0",
"NIT": "000890101676",
"Tag03_ExternalReference": "early",
"Warehouse_ExternalReference": "0085",
"updateDate": {
"$date": "2024-03-19T09:37:41.312Z"
"ScheduledDateUTC-Date": "2023-03-14",
"ScheduledDateUTC-Hours": "07:30:00",
"StatedTimestamp13UTC-Date": "2023-03-14",
"StatedTimestamp13UTC-Hours": "05:29:35"
"_id": {
"$oid": "2134asdas444-44asda44"
"PurchaseOrderNumber": "0085701091",
"WorkflowId": "1243839",
"CreatedDateUTC": "2023",
"ExternalReference": "22261952",
"Flag": "0",
"NIT": "000890101676",
"Tag03_ExternalReference": "OnTime",
"Warehouse_ExternalReference": "0085",
"updateDate": {
"$date": "2024-03-19T09:37:41.312Z"
"ScheduledDateUTC-Date": "2023-03-14",
"ScheduledDateUTC-Hours": "06:20:00",
"StatedTimestamp13UTC-Date": "2023-03-14",
"StatedTimestamp13UTC-Hours": "05:29:35"
"_id": {
"$oid": "aasd2222sd-4444"
"PurchaseOrderNumber": "0085701091",
"WorkflowId": "1243838",
"CreatedDateUTC": "2023",
"ExternalReference": "22261952",
"Flag": "0",
"NIT": "000890101676",
"Tag03_ExternalReference": "OnTime",
"Warehouse_ExternalReference": "0085",
"updateDate": {
"$date": "2024-03-19T09:37:41.312Z"
"ScheduledDateUTC-Date": "2023-03-14",
"ScheduledDateUTC-Hours": "06:15:00",
"StatedTimestamp13UTC-Date": "2023-03-14",
"StatedTimestamp13UTC-Hours": "05:29:35"
I have this jolt:
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"ExternalReference": "[&1].ExternalReference",
"Warehouse_ExternalReference": "[&1].Warehouse_ExternalReference",
"PurchaseOrderNumber": "[&1].PurchaseOrderNumber",
"CreatedDateUTC": "[&1].CreatedDateUTC",
"NIT": "[&1].NIT",
"ScheduledDateUTC-Date": "[&1].ScheduledDateUTC_Date",
"ScheduledDateUTC-Hours": "[&1].ScheduledDateUTC_Hours",
"StatedTimestamp13UTC-Date": "[&1].StatedTimestamp13UTC_Date",
"StatedTimestamp13UTC-Hours": "[&1].StatedTimestamp13UTC_Hours"
"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
"spec": {
"*": {
"PurchaseOrderNumberSub": "=substring(@(1,PurchaseOrderNumber),4,10)",
"CreatedDateUTC_PurchaseOrderNumber": "=concat(@(1,CreatedDateUTC),@(1,PurchaseOrderNumberSub))",
"ScheduledDateUTC_Max": "=concat(@(1,ScheduledDateUTC_Date),' ',@(1,ScheduledDateUTC_Hours))"
"operation": "remove",
"spec": {
"*": {
"PurchaseOrderNumberSub": "",
"CreatedDateUTC": ""
"operation": "default",
"spec": {
"*": {
"indicator": "${indicador}"
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"ExternalReference": "[&1].ExternalReference",
"Warehouse_ExternalReference": "[&1].Warehouse_ExternalReference",
"CreatedDateUTC_PurchaseOrderNumber": "[&1].CreatedDateUTC_PurchaseOrderNumber",
"NIT": "[&1].NIT",
"ScheduledDateUTC_Date": "[&1].ScheduledDateUTC_Date",
"ScheduledDateUTC_Hours": "[&1].ScheduledDateUTC_Hours",
"StatedTimestamp13UTC_Date": "[&1].StatedTimestamp13UTC_Date",
"StatedTimestamp13UTC_Hours": "[&1].StatedTimestamp13UTC_Hours",
"indicator": "[&1].indicator",
"ScheduledDateUTC_Max": "[&1].ScheduledDateUTC_Max"
with the validating field: "ScheduledDateUTC_Max": "2023-03-14 07:30:00"
And this is the desired output:
"ExternalReference": "22261952",
"Warehouse_ExternalReference": "0085",
"CreatedDateUTC_PurchaseOrderNumber": "2023701091",
"NIT": "000890101676",
"ScheduledDateUTC_Date": "2023-03-14",
"ScheduledDateUTC_Hours": "07:30:00",
"StatedTimestamp13UTC_Date": "2023-03-14",
"StatedTimestamp13UTC_Hours": "05:29:35",
"indicator": "${indicador}"
I've tried various Jolt transformations, but I'm struggling to find a way to compare the ScheduledDateUTC_Max values and keep only the object with the latest date and time. Jolt's modify-default-beta operation allows for some manipulation, but it doesn't seem to support direct date-time comparisons.
Is there a way to achieve this using Jolt, or should I consider a different approach or tool for this task? Any guidance or examples would be greatly appreciated.
You can sort by ScheduledDateUTC-Date
~ Hours
combination through use of the following transformation :
{ // generate a new attribute "ScheduledDateUTC"
// by combining date and time
"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
"spec": {
"*": {
"ScheduledDateUTC": "=concat(@(1,ScheduledDateUTC-Date),' ',@(1,ScheduledDateUTC-Hours))"
{ // make new item object keys
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": "obj.@1,ScheduledDateUTC.&"
{ // find the size of the outermost object "obj" in order to compute
// the last inner object's index which is "lastObj"
"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
"spec": {
"sz": "=size(@(1,obj))",
"lastObj": "=intSum(-1,@(1,sz))"
{ // order the inner objects by date-time combination
"operation": "sort"
{ // for preparation of the object keys to be ordinals of 0,1,2, ...
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"lastObj": "&",
"obj": {
"*": {
"*": "&2[#2].&"
{ // convert the object keys to ordinals of 0,1,2, ...
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"lastObj": "&",
"obj": {
"*": {
"*": "&1.&"
{ // match the key with "lastObj" to determine the object with
// the latest date-time
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"lastObj": {
"*": {
"@2,&": "[]"
{ // pick the desired attributes while putting them in ordered to
// keep the desired returning order
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"ExternalReference": "[&1].&",
"Warehouse_ExternalReference": "[&1].&",
"PurchaseOrderNumber": "[&1].CreatedDateUTC_&",
"NIT": "[&1].&",
"ScheduledDateUTC*": "[&1].&",
"StatedTimestamp*": "[&1].&",
"#\\$\\{indicador\\}": "[&1].indicator"