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Best library to convert React components to PNG/PDF?

I have implemented a react web app which creates charts using Chart.js library. Now I want to convert this charts to PNG/PDF formats and save them. I came across a lot of libraries but facing some or the other issue with them. Can you suggest which library would be perfect for this kind of work ?


class CreateChart extends Component {
// call to get chartData object
    render() {
        return (
          <div className="App">
            <header className="App-header">
              REACT CHARTS
                <CreateChart chartData={this.state.chartData} />


class CreateChart extends Component {
    componentDidMount() {
            this.myChart = new Chart(
    render() {
           return <canvas ref={this.chartRef} />


  • I suggest you to add an id on your html element (let's say topdf) :

    render() { return <canvas id="topdf" ref={this.chartRef} /> }}.

    Then you can use the html2canvas library to get the image dataURI of your charts. After that, you can use the jsPDF library to make a document and use the .addImage(your_image_data_URI) function.

    Exemple :

    html2canvas(document.querySelector("#topdf"), { 
          scale: 3, // use the desired scale
          allowTaint: true,
          useCORS: true
        }).then(canvas => { 
          // Your IMAGE_DATA_URI
          var imgData = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg');
          // Make pdf
          var doc = new jsPDF({ options });
          // add image
          doc.addImage(imgData, 'JPEG');
          // Save document
          // ....

    This only work onInit runtime, or after runtime.