This combination of transposing and referencing I can't seem to figure out. On Sheet2 I have the following Data which is the original reference source. The data is every 8th cell in my example
D4:22 L4:16 T4:10
I'd then like to have on Sheet1 which is referenced to the respective cells on Sheet2
F6:22 F7:16 F8:10
There is data between the numbers on Sheet2 so I am unable to just collect all the data in a row and minus the empty cells which I know how to do. I'd like to drag down F6 which is the part I realize I've created my formula wrong because it doesn't drag down. The data on Sheet2 goes on for a hundreds of cells which is why I can't just create a simple =Sheet2!D4
You can use INDEX
to get the cells you want
Something like (For cell Sheet1!F6
And copy down