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Manipulating mongodb's bson.D output format

Im using FindOne to query one row of data (single document):

package main

import (

func mongoDbFindOne(key, value string) bson.D {
    var result bson.D
    _ = Collection.FindOne(context.TODO(), bson.D{{key, value}}).Decode(&result)
    color.Green("[+] Found: %+v\n", result)
    return result

And this a small part of how the result is shown:

        "Key": "_id",
        "Value": "1600540844649"
        "Key": "hostname",
        "Value": "DESKTOP-xxxxxx"
        "Key": "cmdLine",
        "Value": []
        "Key": "pid",
        "Value": 4816

But this how i want it to be:

        "_id": "1600540844649"
        "hostname": "DESKTOP-xxxxxx"
        "cmdLine": []
        "pid": 4816


        "_id": "1600540844649",
        "hostname": "DESKTOP-xxxxxx",
        "cmdLine": [],
        "pid": 4816,

What should i do? I have searched through SO and google but no luck. Should i use struct or creating any objects? I also searched for saving/converting bson to json but there is solution to it.


  • I found the solution myself: Using bson.M instead of bson.D solved my issue:

    import (
    func mongoDbFindOne(key, value string) bson.M {
        var result bson.M
        _ = Collection.FindOne(context.TODO(), bson.M{key:value}).Decode(&result)
        color.Green("[+] Found: %+v\n", result)
        return result