I'm trying to make a get request to a public Spotify playlist to get the follower count, and then inject it into the inner HTML of a div. Simple as that.
I'm a bit new to APIs and JS in general, so thought I'd ask if anyone is to see what I'm doing wrong here.
The JS code looks like so:
const updateSpotify = (function() {
const clientId = 'aa81a434672045ccb5c9b40029359183';
const clientSecret = '456aea5802484cc5b83e35e05a40c623';
const _getToken = async () => {
const result = await fetch('https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization' : 'Basic ' + btoa(clientId + ':' + clientSecret)
body: 'grant_type=client_credentials'
const data = await result.json();
return data.access_token;
const _getPlaylist = async (token) => {
const result = await fetch(`https://api.spotify.com/v1/playlists/1Vt3ahELCdZ6tEAYUy8mNy`, {
method: 'GET',
headers: { 'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + token}
const data = await result.json();
document.getElementById("followers").innerHTML = data.followers.total;
document.getElementById("cover-image").src = data.images.total;
return data;
_getPlaylist(_getToken()); });
On the HTML page, I'm trying to call the function on load like this:
<body class="overview" onload="updateSpotify();">
But the developer tools gives me a 400 error. From spotify:
400 Bad Request - The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The message body will contain more information; see Response Schema.
Is anyone able to see what is going wrong here?
Try it with curl
and see if it works:
curl -X GET "https://api.spotify.com/v1/playlists/1Vt3ahELCdZ6tEAYUy8mNy" -H "Authorization: Bearer {your access token}"
I think the problem in your code is that _getToken()
is returning a Promise
instead of the token
value. Try calling the _getPlaylist
like this:
_getToken().then(function(token) {